Rearrange your room - Change it up! Moving your bed can give you a whole new outlook, literally! This past weekend I lowered my loft and moved everything around. My room really does feel like a new place now.
Do something you love – After all the work of studying for midterms, months of homework and reading, and all of those assignments, it’s nice to spend a day or even a few hours doing something you really love. The thing I love doing most is photography, or some form of it. I spent a few hours taking pictures of flowers from my floral design class, but instead of using my camera I found a way to do it with my scanner that almost looks better than a camera.

You can find all of the ones I took at:!/pages/Brittany-Mann-Photography/111939662186510
Go somewhere new – For one of my journalism assignments we have to design an advertising campaign for a local Milwaukee business. I chose to do mine on Shi Chai, an Arabian restaurant and hookah bar that opened at the beginning of this year. I want to make the campaign as realistic as possible so I’m planning on going there to check it out and enjoy all of the Arabian food it offers! It gives me something to look forward to and helps me to step outside of my comfort zone. That’s one of my biggest goals, trying new experiences that may make me uncomfortable at first, but then I can take my friends there and have that experience.
Reconnect – Whether it’s a long lost friend from high school, or just a sibling you haven’t talked to in a few weeks, you have to admit that it always feels good when you reconnect with someone. I haven’t talked to a lot of my friends from home since high school a few years ago. After we graduated we all went our separate ways and since I was living 1,000 miles from home I didn’t get to stop by for a visit. By the way, reconnecting over facebook or texting only half counts in my opinion. Try calling them on the phone, I bet they will be surprised and equally as thrilled.
Read - I know, reading is SO middle school, right? Yeah that’s what I thought too until I actually picked up a book and started reading again. It’s not my all time favorite thing to do but its nice to have the option to read something instead of doing it for a class. Try reading the newspaper, or a magazine that doesn’t include gossip and paparazzi.
Make a goal - there’s nothing as energizing as working towards something you really want. Everyone always makes goals to get an A in a class, or to lose 10 pounds, but try making a goal to set a whole day aside for yourself, or to do something you like outside of academics. One of my goals is to make it to the post office one of these days to send a package. My friend’s birthday was in August and I still haven’t sent her the present I bought for her! What a horrible friend I am!