As the semester wraps up I am very ready to head back home to Minnesota. Milwaukee does not feel like home and this rain in December isn't really helping my Christmas spirit! These past few days my family back in MN has experienced 20 inches of snow and the Metrodome's (where the Vikings play) roof collapsed due to all the weight of the snow. My boyfriend was suppose to come and visit but due to the weather Megabus cancelled all of their buses and he is rescheduled to arrive tomorrow.
Thanksgiving was a good break at home and I was so thankful that my family could all be together, even with the Thanksgiving snow storm happening. MN has decided that this year it is just going to snow a ton more than usual! I was able to see my adorable niece and little kids sure do grow up in just a month!! While are home we also celebrated my 23rd Birthday. My 22nd year on earth has definitely been a big one in my life. From doing a 400 hour internship at an elementary school, to graduating from college, becoming a graduate student, moving to Milwaukee and so many more adventures, 23 will include many more wonderful life changes and adventures!

My 23rd Birthday Pumpkin Pie

With my niece Sofia :)
This semester has brought some fun adventures. I spent a day at the zoo with friends and we had a fun time at one of the parks over looking the lake. The other night we went to Lucielle's Piano Bar which was a fun time of singing and watching a good show. There have been other xmas festivities happening as well. I went to a white elephant gift exchange last night and made gingerbread houses the other night with my floor. As much fun as Milwaukee is, I am ready to go home and relax for a bit. My semester assignments are complete, I just have to tutor for work through Weds and then I am home free!
Good luck to all on finals and have a wonderful holiday/semester break with your loved ones! Travel Safe!!