Living in the residence halls connects you with so many great people, many of which can be a great resource. The Professional Staff we have in our residence halls are fantastic people who have really been a great influence in my life. They are all their to help out and enhance students' experience on campus, but sadly most people don't think to utilize them unless they meet with them for behavior or part of a student organization in housing. They do so much more than just that, though.
Who are the professional staff? Well the ones you will probably connect with the most are our Residence Life Coordinators. As each of you will have a Resident Assistant to mentor your community and help make sure our students are safe and secure, they too are students. The Residents Life Coordinators are their supervisors and are there to mentor them. The RLCs are also on call 24/7 in case of an emergency in the res halls. Each building or tower has at least one professional staff member working towards creating the best environment possible for their community. These professional staff members are have or are working towards their masters degree in higher education or a related field.
When might you interact with one of our pro staff? There are a handful of times that they are present around the community. They live in the same community you do, so they are always around. You may find them at one of your house meetings or events; maybe even see them eating in the cafe or working out. Sure, some of you will interact with them through behavior meetings due to policy violations, but most of you won't! Each of the pro staff also advise several different student run organizations in housing. If you happen to be involved in one of our three hall councils or SHAC (Student Housing Administrative Council),youu will get to know a few of the pro staff members pretty well. Maybe you will get involved in our Sustainability Committee, NRHH (National Residence Hall Honorary), or CRB (Community Review Board). You are sure to have the opportunity to meet one of our wonderful pro staff. If none of the fit into your schedule, or you just want to talk, you can always stop into your buildings main office and schedule an appointment to meet with one with one of them.
Look for more opportunities to get involved in my Pounce Into Involvement post!
Residence Life Coordinator Spotlights
What about Sarah Harris?!?!