Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I have arrived!

Saying goodbye is always hard especially to the two located below.

My dog Morgan was very depressed to see me packing and leaving :(

My niece Sofia came to see me one last time before I moved away. I won't see her for over a month so that is hard because she is growing up so quickly!

I arrived in Milwaukee last night. It was a very long drive from my town in central MN. My car was so packed I couldn’t even see out of my back windshield. I prayed I wouldn’t back into someone the whole way. The longer into the drive the more I questioned why I chose to move to Milwaukee and have such a boring and long drive. When I arrived in Milwaukee I was too excited to go to the hotel so I drove by Kenilworth just to see my future home since I had never actually seen it. I then meandered to the hotel where I am staying a few days before I can move into my apartment. While in the hotel flights back home were only 108 round trip instead of the usual 150 + so I pathetically booked my flight home immediately upon arrival for homecoming at undergrad.

Very Full Car

My copilot for the trip.

This morning was filled with a trip to campus for work orientation and field orientation for my social work program. Work orientation was mostly filled with paper work and then we went over how to take attendance for the SI sessions. Not really exciting things. After that I went over to my field orientation which was long and boring. I still do not know where I am interning yet, but it will be in one of the Milwaukee public schools.
After orientations were done I set off to get my ID card and UPass. That was pretty easy to do since I knew where the buildings were. After finishing all of my tasks on campus I went to go back to my car. Except of course, I didn’t remember exactly where the pay lot was. I decided to just wander one way and basically made a huge circle around campus and then some. It was a balmy 95 degrees so I was ecstatic after I finally found my car which ended my 35 minutes search. Let’s just say it was a nice little tour of the campus.
My mom arrived today and we went on a little adventure through Milwaukee so she could see the university and my apartment building. We decided to go to Walmart since I needed to get a few things before moving in. The Walmart was an experience to say the least. I learned that if you want a cart you must bring your own in from the parking because there were none inside, they were all already taken.
After that we went to an AMAZING restaurant called Antigua which served all sorts of Latino dishes. I have been craving empanadas, a meat pie per say for awhile so I was so excited to have them for dinner. The restaurant was just wonderful and it reminded me so much of when I lived in Chile. It’s behind Miller Park and you should check it out!

My delicious empanadas :)

Tomorrow involved more work orientation, hopefully not losing my car and actually moving in. I am excited to be able to move in since it’s not so fun living in a hotel.

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